Malvina Supper defended her PhD thesis
Prof. Thommes listed once again among the TOP 50 of the worldwide most cited researchers
Successful Doctoral Thesis Defense of Carola Vorndran
Guest Lecture by Dr. Aleksandra Marcinek from CarboTech
Prof. Thommes gave invited lecture at GRACE Global Headquaters, MD, USA
Edinburgh-Erlangen School of Adsorption: EESA 2024
2023 Distinguished Associate Accolade of the National Institute of Standards (NIST), Materials Measurement Laboratory, Department of Commerce, USA
Chemically Reversible CO2 Uptake by Dendrimer-Impregnated Metal-Organic Frameworks
Honorary Session for Prof. Thommes at AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 2024
ProcessNet Annual Meeting Adsorption and High-Pressure Process Technology 2024
Excursion to Wacker Chemie AG 2024
35th German zeolite conference
CPM-9 – the 9th International Workshop on “Characterization of Porous Materials: from Angstroms to Millimeters”
7th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials
Prof. Thommes listed again among the TOP 50 of the worldwide most cited reseachers in the field of Chemical Physics
Erlangen-Edinburgh School of Adsorption 2023
Invited Lecture at 45th Annual Meeting of the International Fine Particle Research Institute (IFPRI), Lafyette, Indiana, USA
Prof. Thommes elected as 2023 MAP Best Lecturer
34th German zeolite conference
Erlangen-Edinburgh School of Adsorption 2023
Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Arlt receives Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
ProcessNet Annual Meeting Adsorption 2022
AIChE Meeting 2022, Phoenix Arizona, November 13 -19, 2022
Prof. Thommes delivers invited Webinar within ATOMS Lecture series (25 August, 2022)
Prof. Thommes listed among the TOP 50 of the worldwide most cited researchers
Efficient hydrogen release via nucleation: Important knowledge for the transport of green hydrogen
PhD Seminar Adsorption 2022
ProcessNet and Dechema Annual Meeting 2022 – (Bio)Process Engineering – a Key to Sustainable Development
Edinburgh-Erlangen School of Adsorption 2022
Fundamentals of Adsorption 2022
Silica supraparticles for hydrogen detection
Collaboration with the Department of Chemistry
Keynote Lecture at French Adsorption Conference (Journées Scientifiques de l’Association Française de l’Adsorption)
Prof. Thommes listed among the worldwide most cited researchers
Invited Lecture in the Educational Seminar Series of American Chemical Society Catalysis
Invited GDCh Lecture at TU- Darmstadt on Dec 7
Lectures at AIChE Annual Meeting 2021, Boston from November 7 – 11.
13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE13)
New invited Review Article published in the Journal Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Older News
January 2024: New Paper published: S. Eder, P. Guggenberger, T. Priamushko, F. Kleitz, M. Thommes, “Aspects of Gas Storage: Confined Geometry Effects on the High-Pressure Adsorption Behavior of Supercritical Fluids“, Langmuir 2024, 40, 4, 2079
January 2024: New Paper published: C. Schlumberger, C. Cuadrado Collados, J, Söllner, C. Huber, D. Wisser, H.-F. Liu, C.-K. Chang, S. Schuster, M. R. Schure, J. I. Siepmann, M. Thommes, “Characterization of Functionalized Chromatographic Nanoporous Silica Materials by Coupling Water Adsorption and Intrusion with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry”, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 2, 1572
December 2023: New Paper published: R. An, C. K. Addington, Y. Long, K. Rotnicki, M. Śliwinska-Bartkowiak, M. Thommes, K. E. Gubbins, “The Nanoscale Wetting Parameter and Its Role in Interfacial Phenomena: Phase Transitions in Nanopores“, Langmuir 2023, 39, 51, 18730
September 2023: New paper published: N. Raman, J. Söllner, N. Madubuko, S. Nair, N. Taccardi, M. Thommes, M. Haumann, P. Wasserscheid, “Top-down vs. bottom-up synthesis of Ga–based supported catalytically active liquid metal solutions (SCALMS) for the dehydrogenation of isobutane“, Chemical Engineering Journal 475 (2023) 146081
September 2023: Prof. Thommes was awarded the 2023 Distinguished Associate Accolade of the National Institute of Standards (NIST), US Department of Commerce, USA
August 2023: New paper published: C. V. Ruiz M, M. Terlinden, M. Engelhardt, G. Magnobosco, G. Papastavrou, N. Vogel, M. Thommes, J. Bachmann, “Preparation and Surface Functionalization of a Tunable Porous System Featuring Stacked Spheres in Cylindrical Pores“, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 10, 2300436.
June 2023: New Paper published: Simon Eder and Prof. Thommes have just published togeher with Thomas Linder and Dr. Marc Wehrli from Sulzer Chemtech AG a new paper in the journal Chemical Engineering Science entitled: “Advances in X-ray radiography for the measuremens of dynamic effect in structures packings” (Authors: S. Eder, T. Linder, M. Wehrli and M. Thommes)
April 2023: New paper published: D. H. Panduro Vela, C. Schlumberger, M. Thommes, A. Bück, “Spray Printing of Porous Substrates from Nanosuspensions“, Processes 2023, 11(4), 1143
March 2023: Jakob Söllner presented his current research results on “A novel pore network model for advanced physisorption characterization” (J. Söllner, M. Thommes) at the ProcessNet Annual Meeting Adsorption in Frankfurt, Germany.
March 2023: New paper published: C. Schlumberger, L. Sandner, A. Michalowski, M. Thommes, “Reliable Surface Area Assessment of Wet and Dry Nonporous and Nanoporous Particles: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Gas Physisorption“, Langmuir 2023, 39, 13, 4611–4621
March 2023: New paper published: U. Sultan, A. Götz, C. Schlumberger, …, M. Thommes, E. Spiecker, B. Apeleo Zubiri, A. Inayat, N. Vogel, “From Meso to Macro: Controlling Hierarchical Porosity in Supraparticle Powders”, Small 2023, 2300241
November 2022: New paper published: L. Gromotka, M. J. Uttinger, C. Schlumberger, M. Thommes, W. Peukert , “Classification and characterization of multimodal nanoparticle size distributions by size-exclusion chromatography”, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 17354-17364
August 2022: New paper published: M. Schörner, S. Kämmerle, D. Wisser, B. Baier, M. Hartmann, M. Thommes, R. Franke, M. Haumann, “Influence of support texture and reaction conditions on the accumulation and activity in the gas-phase aldol condensation of n-pentanal on porous silica“, React. Chem. Eng. 2022, 7, 2445-2459
August 2022: New paper published: R. Balderas-Xicohténcatl, H. Lin, C. Lurz, L. Daemen, Y.g Cheng, K. Cychosz Struckhoff, R. Guillet-Nicolas, G. Schütz, T. Heine, A. J Ramirez-Cuesta, M. Thommes, M. Hirscher , “Formation of a super-dense hydrogen monolayer on mesoporous silica“, Nature Chemistry 14, 1319–1324 (2022)
May 2022: New paper published: J. Reichstein, S. Schötz, M. Macht, S. Maisel, N. Stockinger, C. Cuadrado Collados, K. Schubert, D. Blaumeiser, S. Wintzheimer, A. Görling, M. Thommes, D. Zahn, J. Libuda, T. Bauer, K. Mandel , “Supraparticles for Bare-Eye H2 Indication and Monitoring: Design, Working Principle, and Molecular Mobility”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 22/2022
February 2022: New paper published: J. Reichstein, S. Schötz, M. Macht, S. Maisel, N. Stockinger, C. Cuadrado Collados, K. Schubert, D. Blaumeiser, S. Wintzheimer, A. Görling, M. Thommes, D. Zahn, J. Libuda, T. Bauer, K. Mandel , “Supraparticles for Bare-Eye H2 Indication and Monitoring: Design, Working Principle, and Molecular Mobility“, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2112379
January 2022: New paper published: S. Müssig, V. M. Koch, C. Cuadrado Collados, J. Bachmann, M. Thommes, M. K. S. Barr, K. Mandel , “Spray-Drying and Atomic Layer Deposition: Complementary Tools toward Fully Orthogonal Control of Bulk Composition and Surface Identity of Multifunctional Supraparticles”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2112379
November 2021: New paper published: C. Schlumberger, C. Scherdel, M. Kriesten, P. Leicht, A. Keilbach, H. Ehmann, P. Kotnik, G. Reichenauer, M. Thommes, “Reliable surface area determination of powders and meso/macroporous materials: Small-angle X-ray scattering and gas physisorption”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 329, 2022
November 2021: New paper published: S. Müssig, V.M. Koch, C. Collados Cuadrado, J. Bachmann, M. Thommes, M.K.S. Barr, K. Mandel, Spray-Drying and Atomic Layer Deposition: Complementary Tools toward Fully Orthogonal Control of Bulk Composition and Surface Identity of Multifunctional Supraparticles, Small Methods. 2101296.
November 2021: New paper published: M. Schörner, P. Rothgängel, K. Mitländer, D. Wisser, M. Thommes, M. Haumann, “Gas-Phase Hydroformylation Using Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Catalysts – Influence of Support Texture on Effective Kinetics” ChemCatChem 2021, 13, 4192.
July 2021: New paper published: Y. Sun, R.F. DeJaco, Z. Li, D. Tang, S. Glante, D.S. Sholl, C.M. Colina, R.Q. Snurr, M. Thommes, M. Hartmann, J.I. Siepmann, Fingerprinting diverse nanoporous materials for optimal hydrogen storage conditions using meta-learning, Science Advances. 7 eabg3983.
July 2021: Prof. Thommes co-edited a Special Issue of the journal Molecuar Physics in Memory of Gerhard Findenegg: M. Schoen, R. Evans, K.E. Gubbins, J.P. Rabe, M. Thommes, G. Jackson, Gerhard Findenegg (1938–2019), Molecular Physics. 119 (2021) e1953272.
June 2021: Prof Thommes deliverd an invited Seminar (via ZOOM) at IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea, 10 June
April 2021: Prof. Thommes co-authored a major review concerning the state-of the art of the characterization of thin films, with a focus on Metal-Organic–Framework (MOF) materials. This work is the reflection of a scientific collaboration between various European groups, led by Prof. Ameloot from the KU Leuven, Belgian.
T. Stassin, …, D. De Vos, D. Grosso, M. Thommes, R. Ameloot, “Porosimetry for thin films of metal-organic frameworks: Spectrosocpy and Adsorption-Based Methods” (review article); Adv. Mater. (2021), 2006993
March 2021: Carola Schlumberger presented her current research results about “Combining Novel Methodologies based on NMR Relaxometry and Gas Adsorption for Reliable Surface Area Assessment of Nanoporous Materials” (C. Schlumberger, U. Schmidt, M. Thommes) at the 32nd Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung.
February 2021: New review article , co-authored by Prof. Thommes: M. Hartmann, M. Thommes and W. Schwieger (inv. Review), Hierarchically-Ordered Zeolites: A Critical Assessment, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 8, 2001841
January 2021: New review article: M. Thommes, C. Schlumberger, “Characterization of Nanoporous Materials”, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol. 12, 2021
January 2021: New tutorial review: C. Schlumberger, M. Thommes, “Characterization of Hierarchically Ordered Porous Materials by Physisorption and Mercury Porosimetry – A Tutorial Review”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 8, 2002181
January 2021: New paper published: J. Castro-Gutierrez, E. de Olivereira Jardim, R. Luan, S. Canevesi, J. Silvestre-Albero, M. Kriesten, M. Thommes, A. Celzard, V. Fierro, “Molecular sieving of linear and branched C6 alkanes by tannin-derived carbons” Carbon, 174, 413
January 2021: New paper published: S. Dantas, K.A. Cychosz, M.Thommes*, A.V. Neimark, “Pore size characterization of micro-mesoporous carbons using CO2 adsorption” Carbon 173 (2021) p. 842
September 2020: New paper published: S. Kube, K. Turke, R. Ellinghaus, D. Wallacher, M. Thommes, B. Smarsly, “Pore size gradient effect in monolithic silica mesopore networks revealed by in-situ-SAXS-physisorption”, Langmuir, (2020) (DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c02183)
September 2020: New paper published: A. Svidrytski, D. Hlushkou, M. Thommes, P. Monson, U. Tallarek, “Modelling the Impact of Mesoporous Silica Microstructure on the Adsorption Hysteresis Loop”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07571)
July 2020: New paper published: H.G.T Nguyen, C.M. Sims, B. Toman,J. Horn, R.D van Zee, M Thommes et al., ”A References High-Pressure CH4 Adsorption Isotherm for Zeolite Y: “ Results of an Interlaboratory Study” , Adsorption, (DOI: 10.1007/s10450-018-9958-x)
July 2020: New paper published by Prof. Thommes: “Characterization of Carbon Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Compression“, Journal of Carbon Research, authors: G Sdanghi, RLS Canevesi, A Celzard, M Thommes, V Fierro (DOI: 10.3390/c6030046)
July 2020: Prof. Thommes published a new paper on “Exploring the confinement of polymer nanolayers into ordered mesoporous silica using advanced gas physisorption”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.05.103)
July 2020: Prof. Thommes is Guest Editor of a Special Issue entitled “Characterization of Porous Materials: From Angstroms to Millimeters”, which was just published in the journal Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, i.e. A.V Neimark, M. Thommes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 304. 110305 (2020)
April 2020: New paper published by Prof. Thommes: “On the Universality of Capillary Condensation and Adsorption Hysteresis Phenomena in Ordered and Crystalline Mesoporous Materials”, Advanced Materials Interfaces (DOI: 10.1002/admi.202000184)
April 2021: Prof. Thommes co-authored a major review concerning the state-of the art of the characterization of thin films, with a focus on Metal-Organic–Framework (MOF) materials. This work is the reflection of a scientific collaboration between various European groups, led by Prof. Ameloot from the KU Leuven, Belgian.
T. Stassin, …, D. De Vos, D. Grosso, M. Thommes, R. Ameloot, “Porosimetry for thin films of metal-organic frameworks: Spectrosocpy and Adsorption-Based Methods” (review article); Adv. Mater. (2021), 2006993
March 2021: Carola Schlumberger presented her current research results about “Combining Novel Methodologies based on NMR Relaxometry and Gas Adsorption for Reliable Surface Area Assessment of Nanoporous Materials” (C. Schlumberger, U. Schmidt, M. Thommes) at the 32nd Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung.
February 2021: New review article , co-authored by Prof. Thommes: M. Hartmann, M. Thommes and W. Schwieger (inv. Review), Hierarchically-Ordered Zeolites: A Critical Assessment, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 8, 2001841
January 2021: New review article: M. Thommes, C. Schlumberger, “Characterization of Nanoporous Materials”, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol. 12, accepted (2021)
January 2021: New tutorial review: C. Schlumberger, M. Thommes, “Characterization of Hierarchically Ordered Porous Materials by Physisorption and Mercury Porosimetry – A Tutorial Review”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 8, 2002181
January 2021: New paper published: J. Castro-Gutierrez, E. de Olivereira Jardim, R. Luan, S. Canevesi, J. Silvestre-Albero, M. Kriesten, M. Thommes, A. Celzard, V. Fierro, “Molecular sieving of linear and branched C6 alkanes by tannin-derived carbons” Carbon, 174, 413
January 2021: New paper published: S. Dantas, K.A. Cychosz, M.Thommes*, A.V. Neimark, “Pore size characterization of micro-mesoporous carbons using CO2 adsorption” Carbon 173 (2021) p. 842
September 2020: New paper accepted: S. Kube, K. Turke, R. Ellinghaus, D. Wallacher, M. Thommes, B. Smarsly, “Pore size gradient effect in monolithic silica mesopore networks revealed by in-situ-SAXS-physisorption”, Langmuir, accepted (2020) (DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c02183)
September 2020: New paper published: A. Svidrytski, D. Hlushkou, M. Thommes, P. Monson, U. Tallarek, “Modelling the Impact of Mesoporous Silica Microstructure on the Adsorption Hysteresis Loop”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07571)
July 2020: New paper published: H.G.T Nguyen, C.M. Sims, B. Toman,J. Horn, R.D van Zee, M Thommes et al., ”A References High-Pressure CH4 Adsorption Isotherm for Zeolite Y: “ Results of an Interlaboratory Study” , Adsorption, (DOI: 10.1007/s10450-018-9958-x)
July 2020: New paper published by Prof. Thommes: “Characterization of Carbon Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Compression“, Journal of Carbon Research, authors: G Sdanghi, RLS Canevesi, A Celzard, M Thommes, V Fierro (DOI: 10.3390/c6030046)
July 2020: Prof. Thommes published a new paper on “Exploring the confinement of polymer nanolayers into ordered mesoporous silica using advanced gas physisorption”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.05.103)
July 2020: Prof. Thommes is Guest Editor of a Special Issue entitled “Characterization of Porous Materials: From Angstroms to Millimeters”, which was just published in the journal Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, i.e. A.V Neimark, M. Thommes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 304. 110305 (2020)
April 2020: New paper published by Prof. Thommes: “On the Universality of Capillary Condensation and Adsorption Hysteresis Phenomena in Ordered and Crystalline Mesoporous Materials”, Advanced Materials Interfaces (DOI: 10.1002/admi.202000184)
February 2020: Prof. Thommes was an invited lecturer at the Workshop “Gas Physisorption for the Advanced Characterization of Nanopores” at the Montan University Leoben (Austria).
February 2020: Carola Schlumberger won the Best Poster Award at the Annual meeting of ProcessNet research group Adsorption with her poster on “Adsorption and nanoporous materials characterization in the liquid phase: Novel methodologies based on NMR relaxometry and conductivity measurements” (authors: Carola Schlumberger, Leon Fischer, Martin Kriesten and Prof. Matthias Thommes).
November 2019: Prof. Thommes gave a talk about „Textural Characterization of Shale Nanostructure“ at the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando.
November 2019: Thomas Linder and Peter Leicht won the best poster award at the CBI Symposium with their poster about „Fluid Dynamic Investigations using X-Ray Computed Tomography“
September 2019: Prof. Thommes was an invited lecturer at the 1st International Adsorption School, 9-13 September 2019, Spetses, Greece.
August 2019: New paper published by Prof. Thommes, entitled “Phase Behavior and Capillary Condensation Hysteresis of Carbon Dioxide in Mesopores”, Authors: S. Dantas, K. Cychosz Struckhoff, M. Thommes and A. Neimark. This work reflects a collaboration with Rutgers University, NJ, USA.
July 2019: Prof. Thommes was invited to visit and lecture at the Consortium für elektrochemische Industrie, Wacker AG, Munich.
June 2019: Prof.Thommes co-authors a just published paper in the journal Carbon: “Comparing pore structure models of Nanoporous carbons obtained from small angel X-ray scattering and gas adsorption”, C Prehal, S. Grätz, B. Krüner, M. Thommes, L. Borchard, V. Presser, O. Paris, Carbon 152 (2019, 416). This work reflects a collaboration between the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Graz University of Technology, Montanuniversity Loeben, Technical Universiy of Dresden and the Saarland University Saarbrücken.
June 2019: New paper published by Prof. Kaspereit and co-workers on Quantitative Evaluation of Fullerene Separation by Liquid Chromatography. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03247)
June 2019: New paper published by Liudmila Mokrushina on Modeling of Solid–Liquid Equilibria in Deep Eutectic Solvents: A Parameter Study. (DOI:10.3390/molecules24122334)
June 2019: Jürgen Vargas Schmitz, former co-worker in the group of Prof. Kaspereit, develops in his recent paper a method that allows developing efficiently corresponding process models for gas adsorption processes. (
June 2019: New paper published by Benjamin Reif, co-worker in the group of Prof. Kapspereit, on Evaluation of a method for micro-defect sealing in ZSM-5 zeolite membranes by chemical vapor deposition of carbon. (DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2019.03.017)
June 2019: Prof. Thommes gave on 21 June 2019 an invited seminar at the prestigious Laboratoire MADIREL, Aix-Marseille Université CNRS, Marseille
June 2019: The University of Edinburgh, U.K has extended the Honorary status of Visiting Professor to Prof. Matthias Thommes until April 30, 2022.
June 2019: Prof. Thommes was elected into the Board of Directors of the International Adsorption Society (IAS). His term will start at July 1, 2019 and will be for seven years.